Did Joe Biden lie about the word Superpredators? (Conclusion: Partly TRUE)

Factcheck about "Superpredators" in black communities in the USA:

If Joe Biden lies COMPLETELY about this, what else did he actually lie about in the second 2020 Presidential Debate against President Donald Trump Oct 22, 2020? Most people by now, know he's lying his ass off about his son's shady business in Ukraine, Russia, and China.
Biden Secret E-mails

Biden China Deal

So did Joe Biden actually say what President Donald Trump says he did? See for yourself. The truth is Joe Biden says "predators" and a lot of other disgraceful degrading stuff about black young people. Hillary was the one actually saying "superpredators" - Not president Donald Trump. In other words, Trump's statement is partly TRUE. So Biden is NOT completely off the hook by just have said "Predators". Nor are his Democrat-friend and political "comrade" Hillary Clinton with typical Democrats hate-speak and down talking of people...

Video Credit: C-Span + Trump-Pence, Keep America Great! 2020 Video Editing: Jim T. Slaaen

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